
It's a long story, but essentially I was introduced to John Otway's music by my good friend, Roger, when I was living in Aylesbury, John's home town.

At the time, we were also members of a club in Aylesbury called Friars, where, as well as some of the world's and the UK's top live bands, John Otway was a frequent performer. The full story of those times is included in the final chapter of a book I am working on, leading up to the John Otway / Dr. Feelgood trip to Dunkerque in November 2001. John Otway's own autobiography, Cor Baby That's Really Me also covers some of the time I spent in Aylesbury, and brings back many great memories.

Navigation throughout this site and related sites (sub-domains) is by means of the buttons in the left margins, plus some, but not many, additional links. Clicking on the 'Family Crest', at the top left on any page, will take you back to the home page.

My Gig List: Some of the bands I’ve seen, and the venues I’ve visited over the years.

Picture Galleries: Loads of pictures of various bands and venues.

Reviews: Some more details of gigs, not appearing in the Picture Galleries. Most of these reviews first appeared in the review section of Otnews.

The Blues: This tells you how it’s done!

[Music] [My Gig Lists] [Picture Galleries] [Reviews] [The Blues]